Thursday, December 13, 2018


1. Yogurt and Turmeric:

Mix 2 teaspoons of yogurt with a pinch of turmeric powder.

Stir together to remove all lumps
Now apply it on your face
Let it stay for 15 minutes
Do this every day
How this helps:

This mix will help remove tan and keep your skin fresh, soft and healthy.

2. Neem and Chandan:

Make a face pack of Chandan by either using freshly ground chandan stick or using powdered chandan from the market

Apply this on your face
Leave on for 12 minutes
Wash it off with a solution of soaked and strained neem leaves
How it helps:

When done regularly, this procedure will help you fight pimples. Neem is considered as one of the oldest and most powerful anti-bacterial agents. This procedure will also give you a clear and blemish free complexion.

3. Lemon:

Mix lemon juice, cucumber juice and milk in a 2:2:1 ratio

Apply this on your face
Leave on for about 10 to 15 minutes
How it helps:

This solution will help to brighten up the complexion.

​4. Black Heads:

The following recipe works best for treating black heads as well as white heads.

Make a mixture of rice flour and sour curd

Apply this scrub all over your face
The grainy texture will help remove the black heads as well as white heads.
How it helps:

This is a great homemade way to get beautiful skin that is free of impurities.

5. Blemishes:

Mix some lemon juice, milk and cucumber in the ratio of 1:2:1 respectively

Now apply this on your face using a cotton ball.
How it helps:

This is a great way to clear your face of any blemishes.

6. Dry Skin Cleansing:

This is a wonderful homemade cleansing treatment for those with dry skin.
Mix 10 drops of sunflower oil and three drops of raw milk
​Clean your face with this mix using a cotton ball.

How it helps:
The above is useful in cleaning dry skin of any impurities and dirt.

Tan removal:

        This traditional, age-old treatment includes the use of a mixture of besan (gram flour), turmeric and yogurt. Turmeric removes the blemishes and dark spots. Yogurt clears the excessive tan. And, besan cleanses your skin effectively. It suits all skin types and can be done every day as it is very gentle. The effects are visible quite immediately but tan removal needs a couple of days or weeks, depending on the intensity of the tan.

Tea water and honey face pack:

        1 cup of tea water (cooled down)
        2 spoons of rice flour
        ½ a spoon of honey
The rice flour acts as an excellent scrub and honey moisturizes the skin.


Mix the above ingredients and apply on the skin. Leave it on till the mask dries completely for around 20 minutes or more.
Before washing off the mask with water, make sure you massage in circular motions; this is important as it removes the dead skin and evens out the skin tone.
Wash your face with cold water .This gives you a fairer and even skin tone.

 Oats and lemon face pack:

        1 tbsp. of oats; cooked and mashed (helps reduce inflammation and heals the skin).
        1 tbsp. of lemon juice (lemon helps lighten the skin tone).
         If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the lemon juice with water.


Mix the above ingredients and apply on the face by massaging into the skin.
Let it dry for 20 minutes.
Wash and pat dry.
Look into more of these oatmeal face packs for a fairer face and glowing skin.


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